Fundraising Initiatives

  • Rottnest Foundation Calendar

    Launched in 2016

    Raised $179,555 to-date

    2025 Calendar now available

  • Rottnest Foundation Raffle

    Launched in 2010

    Raised over $165,000 to-date


  • Adopt the happiest animal on earth

    This is your chance to become a quokka conservation hero. Quokkas are listed as a vulnerable species. Proceeds from your purchase will help the Foundation support ongoing conservation projects that protect and preserve habitat for Quokkas and other flora and fauna on Rottnest Island.

  • Containers for Change

    Donate your eligible containers to the Rottnest Foundation by using our ID

    Scheme ID C10267961

  • Rottnest Channel Swim

    The Rottnest Channel Swim partnership with the Foundation commenced in 2020, allowing competitors to nominate the Rottnest Foundation as their selected charity.

    Held on February 22nd 2025.

    Raised over $10,000 to-date.

  • 'Chokka the Quokka' Merchandise

    A partnership between the Margaret River Chocolate Co. and the Foundation sees part proceeds from the sale of ‘Chokka the Quokka’ merchandise donated towards Quokka Conservation.

    Raised $40,000 to date

Projects supported by Rottnest Foundation through fundraising and donations received.

up to $75,000 (2020-2021)

‘Rottnest Foundation London Chapter’ replacement of beach access on the Gabby Karniny Bidi in north Thomson Bay.

$8,181 (2015)

Donation of a ride-on mower to the Rottnest Island Authority to improve efficiency of Wadjemup Bidi (trail) maintnenance.


Support the replacement of the West End Boardwalk on the Ngank Wen Bidi to protect nesting shearwater birds and improve the visitor experience.

$19,058 (1999)

Construction of fencing and steps and contribution to the construction of the boardwalk to protect dune foreshore in Thomson Bay.

$6,067 (1999)

Contribution towards the development of the Accessible Island Manual.

$9,424 (1999)

Installation of ramp to Sergeants Mess at Kingstown Barracks to improve access for mobility impaired.

$30,000 (1998-1999)

Building restoration & refurbishment to establish an educational ‘Discovery Centre’ at Kingstown Barracks.

$20,000 (1998)

Reforestation project fencing.

$10,000 (1998)

Propagation materials to support the Indigenous Tree Reforestation project.

$15,000 (1996)

Fencing of a 70hectare site to support a revegetation program following a bushfire.

Make a difference.


You can make a real difference to the conservation of Rottnest Island and ensure that the Island remains that special place we all love for its unique beauty and heritage.

A “Conservation Donation” will contribute directly to our major projects, including the Wadjemup Bidi, conservation of the Wadjemup Aboriginal Burial Ground and the Rottnest Island Woodland Management Plan.

With a “Quokka Donation” you are helping Rottnest Foundation support ongoing conservation projects that protect and preserve the habitat for Quokkas and ongoing quokka monitoring programs.