Corporate partners, sponsors, funders and our members enable us to conserve the essence of Rottnest (Wadjemup) for future generations
How you can support the Rottnest Foundation
We welcome your involvement in supporting our work in ‘Conserving the essence of Wadjemup’. To view a list of our major projects please visit the PROJECTS tab under Our Work. Donations can be made to support individual projects.
For more information on corporate partnerships and volunteering opportunities, pro-bono or in-kind donations, we invite you to get in touch.
We invite you to join the Rottnest Foundation and be a part of an organisation that actively supports the conservation of our unique and beautiful Island.
By joining us you will be supporting the Foundation’s work in conserving the Island for future generations.
You will receive regular updates on our current projects and fundraising initiatives, be given an opportunity to participate in volunteering activities, like tree planting and sea spurge removal and be invited to Foundation functions.
You can make a real difference to the conservation of Rottnest Island and ensure that the Island remains that special place we all love for its unique beauty and heritage.
Rottnest Foundation is a Registered Charity.
Donations made to the Rottnest Foundation will contribute directly to our major projects, including the Wadjemup Bidi and the Rottnest Island Woodland Management Plan.
Tax Deductibility Status
The Rottnest Foundation Gift Fund is listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations and is entitled under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 item 6.1.1 of subsection 30-55 to receive tax deductible donations. All donations made to the Foundation of $2 or more are tax deductible. Certificate-Entitled to Receive Tax Deductible Donations.
By purchasing any of our Rottnest Foundation merchandise, or affiliated products, not only are you supporting local businesses but you are also assisting the conservation and ongoing sustainability of Rottnest Island.